Author Archives: admin

Cultural Differences

Something we love about traveling is having the opportunity to explore different cultures. Different foods, different languages (and ways of expressing yourself), different ways of living and of behaving. Yes, people are mostly the same the world over, but there are countless small differences that are culture-specific, and it’s these differences that make our world more interesting. Continue reading

Posted in staff blog

“Four Distinct Seasons”

Japanese delight in telling visitors is that “Japan has four distinct seasons.” You very likely come from a country that also has four distinct seasons but is less proud of the fact. So what does it mean, this puzzling meteorological observation? And more importantly, what’s the best time to visit Japan? Continue reading

Posted in staff blog

We’ve Missed You!

In the news this week, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has cancelled planned trips to Africa and the Middle East after testing positive for COVID-19. Luckily, he was vaccinated, his symptoms were relatively mild, and he continued working while isolating in his official residence.

In even better news, the Japanese government is reportedly considering scrapping pre-arrival Covid-19 testing for vaccinated inbound travelers.

Aspiring Japan travelers have not had an easy time of it during the past 30 months, but we can see light at the end of the tunnel.

Here’s how things stand today: Continue reading

Posted in staff blog


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関西オフィス ファックス番号変更

2017年6月1日から関西オフィスのファックス番号が075-231-7997から 075-744-1227に変わりました。

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